7th Grade Reflection
When I stated in August, I though that 7th grade was going to be easy, but I was horribly wrong.
By the first week I already had the feel that it was very different. Homework loads were different and I was staying up later. Teachers expectations grew larger, now being able to say that we were in 7th grade and needed to behave ourselves.
By october it had only gone up hill with the homework (science, spanish, math) that the tedious hours of doing this just seemed to grow with every day. I felt like I had a stack of homework touching the ceiling like in a cartoon. every day a sheet was of homework was added to the stack, making its weight grow.
But now by the end of the year I have been able to find my small shortcuts that can make a difference to the time. Too bad now’s the time of year that the 101 projects/tests start to make there way into our school lives. every class will soon have its big test or project to make sure you cant breath easy yet.
All and all my 7th grade year has been tough with loads of homework. This school year has been hard on me, and I’m glad its about to be over.
This year I learned:
How to conjugate a verb in spanish.
Many new skills in math.
How a lot of body skills work in science.
Learned that its all up hill from here in school.